About: Mark Wentworth

- Role : Trainer in Colour PsychoDynamics (CPD) and in Deep Memory Work
- Website : http://www.colourforlife.com
- Experience : 30 years in Colour Therapy & Personal Development
- Specialist in : Colour Psycho-Dynamics, Founder of Colour for Life, Dynamic Theater, DMP, Psychodrama
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Mark has been studying and working the healing power of colour and personal development for nearly 30 years. He is the creator and principal of Colour Psycho-Dynamics, a life enhancing method integrating color therapy with the collective and visionary worlds of C.G. Jung, Shamanism and Transpersonal based Healing. With the assistance and help of Country Coordinators, the international training program is taught in many different countries. Mark has been also working with ancestral healing for many years, his work and training with Jungian Psychotherapist Dr Roger Woolger has been a great inspiration for developing ways of incorporating this ancient wisdom into his own colour healing work.
- Στα τέλη του ’90 πρωτοπορεί με Εργαστήρια, όπου συνδέει το Χρώμα με τις Εκφραστικές Τέχνες και με Ψυχοδραματικές Τεχνικές, προσδίδοντας στο χρώμα, για πρώτη φορά, όχι μόνο φωνή, αλλά και μια ιστορία και μια δράση.
- Συν-δημιουργός, με τον Φιλίπε ΝτεΜούρα, του Dynamic Theater (DT), μιας βιωματικής μεθόδου αυθόρμητης έκφρασης, με χρήση δραματικής και αφήγησης, καθώς και ψυχοδράματος κατά Μορένο.
- Συνιδρυτής του Dynamic Theater World Association (DTWA) και του Dynamic Heart Project, ενός μη κερδοσκοπικού συνδέσμου.
- Το 1998, ιδρύθηκε το Colour for Life από τον Μάρκ Γουέντγωρθ, ως ένα φυσικό επόμενο βήμα του, προκειμένου να εκπληρώσει το σκοπό του, να φέρει μια νέα κατανόηση του χρώματος στον κόσμο.
- In the late 90’s Mark pioneered workshops uniting colour with expressive arts and psychodrama techniques, giving color, for the first time, not only a voice but also a story and action.
- He is also co-creator, with Filipe De Moura, of Dynamic Theatre (DT), an action-method of spontaneous representation, incorporating the ancient wisdom of drama and storytelling, as well as the inspirational work of J.L. Moreno.
- Mark is one of the founders of the Dynamic Theatre World Association (DTWA) and the Dynamic Heart Project, a not for profit association.
- In 1998, Colour for Life was founded by Mark Wentworth as a natural next step process to fulfill the purpose of bringing a new understanding of colour to the world.
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